超酷的html5 canvas网络画板教程-mile米乐体育

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在今天的html教程里,我们要学习一下如何使用html5 canvas实现一个超酷而又简单的网络画板功能。在这个教程中,我们可以选择笔刷的类型、笔刷的大小以及笔刷的颜色,当然作为画板还需要很多功能,这里只是最基本的绘制功能,大家可以自己实现类似矩形、椭圆等复杂元素的绘制。







var canvas; var context; var canvaswidth = 490; var canvasheight = 220; var padding = 25; var linewidth = 8; var colorpurple = "#cb3594"; var colorgreen = "#659b41"; var coloryellow = "#ffcf33"; var colorbrown = "#986928"; var outlineimage = new image(); var crayonimage = new image(); var markerimage = new image(); var eraserimage = new image(); var crayonbackgroundimage = new image(); var markerbackgroundimage = new image(); var eraserbackgroundimage = new image(); var crayontextureimage = new image(); var clickx = new array(); var clicky = new array(); var clickcolor = new array(); var clicktool = new array(); var clicksize = new array(); var clickdrag = new array(); var paint = false; var curcolor = colorpurple; var curtool = "crayon"; var cursize = "normal"; var mediumstartx = 18; var mediumstarty = 19; var mediumimagewidth = 93; var mediumimageheight = 46; var drawingareax = 111; var drawingareay = 11; var drawingareawidth = 267; var drawingareaheight = 200; var toolhotspotstarty = 23; var toolhotspotheight = 38; var sizehotspotstarty = 157; var sizehotspotheight = 36; var sizehotspotwidthobject = new object(); sizehotspotwidthobject.huge = 39; sizehotspotwidthobject.large = 25; sizehotspotwidthobject.normal = 18; sizehotspotwidthobject.small = 16; var totalloadresources = 8; var curloadresnum = 0;


function preparecanvas() {     // create the canvas (neccessary for ie because it doesn't know what a canvas element is)     var canvasdiv = document.getelementbyid('canvasdiv');     canvas = document.createelement('canvas');     canvas.setattribute('width', canvaswidth);     canvas.setattribute('height', canvasheight);     canvas.setattribute('id', 'canvas');     canvasdiv.appendchild(canvas);     if(typeof g_vmlcanvasmanager != 'undefined') {         canvas = g_vmlcanvasmanager.initelement(canvas);     }     context = canvas.getcontext("2d"); // grab the 2d canvas context     // note: the above code is a workaround for ie 8 and lower. otherwise we could have used:     //     context = document.getelementbyid('canvas').getcontext("2d");      // load images     // -----------     crayonimage.onload = function() { resourceloaded();      };     crayonimage.src = "images/crayon-outline.png";     //context.drawimage(crayonimage, 0, 0, 100, 100);      markerimage.onload = function() { resourceloaded();      };     markerimage.src = "images/marker-outline.png";      eraserimage.onload = function() { resourceloaded();      };     eraserimage.src = "images/eraser-outline.png";          crayonbackgroundimage.onload = function() { resourceloaded();      };     crayonbackgroundimage.src = "images/crayon-background.png";      markerbackgroundimage.onload = function() { resourceloaded();      };     markerbackgroundimage.src = "images/marker-background.png";      eraserbackgroundimage.onload = function() { resourceloaded();      };     eraserbackgroundimage.src = "images/eraser-background.png";      crayontextureimage.onload = function() { resourceloaded();      };     crayontextureimage.src = "images/crayon-texture.png";      outlineimage.onload = function() { resourceloaded();      };     outlineimage.src = "images/watermelon-duck-outline.png";      // add mouse events     // ----------------     $('#canvas').mousedown(function(e)     {         // mouse down location         var mousex = e.pagex - this.offsetleft;         var mousey = e.pagey - this.offsettop;          if(mousex < drawingareax) // left of the drawing area         {             if(mousex > mediumstartx)             {                 if(mousey > mediumstarty && mousey < mediumstarty   mediumimageheight){                     curcolor = colorpurple;                 }else if(mousey > mediumstarty   mediumimageheight && mousey < mediumstarty   mediumimageheight * 2){                     curcolor = colorgreen;                 }else if(mousey > mediumstarty   mediumimageheight * 2 && mousey < mediumstarty   mediumimageheight * 3){                     curcolor = coloryellow;                 }else if(mousey > mediumstarty   mediumimageheight * 3 && mousey < mediumstarty   mediumimageheight * 4){                     curcolor = colorbrown;                 }             }         }         else if(mousex > drawingareax   drawingareawidth) // right of the drawing area         {             if(mousey > toolhotspotstarty)             {                 if(mousey > sizehotspotstarty)                 {                     var sizehotspotstartx = drawingareax   drawingareawidth;                     if(mousey < sizehotspotstarty   sizehotspotheight && mousex > sizehotspotstartx)                     {                         if(mousex < sizehotspotstartx   sizehotspotwidthobject.huge){                             cursize = "huge";                         }else if(mousex < sizehotspotstartx   sizehotspotwidthobject.large   sizehotspotwidthobject.huge){                             cursize = "large";                         }else if(mousex < sizehotspotstartx   sizehotspotwidthobject.normal   sizehotspotwidthobject.large   sizehotspotwidthobject.huge){                             cursize = "normal";                         }else if(mousex < sizehotspotstartx   sizehotspotwidthobject.small   sizehotspotwidthobject.normal   sizehotspotwidthobject.large   sizehotspotwidthobject.huge){                             cursize = "small";                                                 }                     }                 }                 else                 {                     if(mousey < toolhotspotstarty   toolhotspotheight){                         curtool = "crayon";                     }else if(mousey < toolhotspotstarty   toolhotspotheight * 2){                         curtool = "marker";                     }else if(mousey < toolhotspotstarty   toolhotspotheight * 3){                         curtool = "eraser";                     }                 }             }         }         else if(mousey > drawingareay && mousey < drawingareay   drawingareaheight)         {             // mouse click location on drawing area         }         paint = true;         addclick(mousex, mousey, false);         redraw();     });      $('#canvas').mousemove(function(e){         if(paint==true){             addclick(e.pagex - this.offsetleft, e.pagey - this.offsettop, true);             redraw();         }     });      $('#canvas').mouseup(function(e){         paint = false;           redraw();     });      $('#canvas').mouseleave(function(e){         paint = false;     }); }



function redraw() {     // make sure required resources are loaded before redrawing     if(curloadresnum < totalloadresources){ return; }      clearcanvas();      var locx;     var locy;     if(curtool == "crayon")     {         // draw the crayon tool background         context.drawimage(crayonbackgroundimage, 0, 0, canvaswidth, canvasheight);          // purple         locx = (curcolor == colorpurple) ? 18 : 52;         locy = 19;          context.beginpath();         context.moveto(locx   41, locy   11);         context.lineto(locx   41, locy   35);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   35);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   33);         context.lineto(locx   11, locy   27);         context.lineto(locx   11, locy   19);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   13);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   11);         context.lineto(locx   41, locy   11);         context.closepath();         context.fillstyle = colorpurple;         context.fill();              if(curcolor == colorpurple){             context.drawimage(crayonimage, locx, locy, mediumimagewidth, mediumimageheight);         }else{             context.drawimage(crayonimage, 0, 0, 59, mediumimageheight, locx, locy, 59, mediumimageheight);         }          // green         locx = (curcolor == colorgreen) ? 18 : 52;         locy  = 46;          context.beginpath();         context.moveto(locx   41, locy   11);         context.lineto(locx   41, locy   35);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   35);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   33);         context.lineto(locx   11, locy   27);         context.lineto(locx   11, locy   19);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   13);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   11);         context.lineto(locx   41, locy   11);         context.closepath();         context.fillstyle = colorgreen;         context.fill();              if(curcolor == colorgreen){             context.drawimage(crayonimage, locx, locy, mediumimagewidth, mediumimageheight);         }else{             context.drawimage(crayonimage, 0, 0, 59, mediumimageheight, locx, locy, 59, mediumimageheight);         }          // yellow         locx = (curcolor == coloryellow) ? 18 : 52;         locy  = 46;          context.beginpath();         context.moveto(locx   41, locy   11);         context.lineto(locx   41, locy   35);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   35);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   33);         context.lineto(locx   11, locy   27);         context.lineto(locx   11, locy   19);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   13);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   11);         context.lineto(locx   41, locy   11);         context.closepath();         context.fillstyle = coloryellow;         context.fill();              if(curcolor == coloryellow){             context.drawimage(crayonimage, locx, locy, mediumimagewidth, mediumimageheight);         }else{             context.drawimage(crayonimage, 0, 0, 59, mediumimageheight, locx, locy, 59, mediumimageheight);         }          // yellow         locx = (curcolor == colorbrown) ? 18 : 52;         locy  = 46;          context.beginpath();         context.moveto(locx   41, locy   11);         context.lineto(locx   41, locy   35);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   35);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   33);         context.lineto(locx   11, locy   27);         context.lineto(locx   11, locy   19);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   13);         context.lineto(locx   29, locy   11);         context.lineto(locx   41, locy   11);         context.closepath();         context.fillstyle = colorbrown;         context.fill();              if(curcolor == colorbrown){             context.drawimage(crayonimage, locx, locy, mediumimagewidth, mediumimageheight);         }else{             context.drawimage(crayonimage, 0, 0, 59, mediumimageheight, locx, locy, 59, mediumimageheight);         }     }     else if(curtool == "marker")     {         // draw the marker tool background         context.drawimage(markerbackgroundimage, 0, 0, canvaswidth, canvasheight);          // purple         locx = (curcolor == colorpurple) ? 18 : 52;         locy = 19;          context.beginpath();         context.moveto(locx   10, locy   24);         context.lineto(locx   10, locy   24);         context.lineto(locx   22, locy   16);         context.lineto(locx   22, locy   31);         context.closepath();         context.fillstyle = colorpurple;         context.fill();              if(curcolor == colorpurple){             context.drawimage(markerimage, locx, locy, mediumimagewidth, mediumimageheight);         }else{             context.drawimage(markerimage, 0, 0, 59, mediumimageheight, locx, locy, 59, mediumimageheight);         }          // green         locx = (curcolor == colorgreen) ? 18 : 52;         locy  = 46;          context.beginpath();         context.moveto(locx   10, locy   24);         context.lineto(locx   10, locy   24);         context.lineto(locx   22, locy   16);         context.lineto(locx   22, locy   31);         context.closepath();         context.fillstyle = colorgreen;         context.fill();              if(curcolor == colorgreen){             context.drawimage(markerimage, locx, locy, mediumimagewidth, mediumimageheight);         }else{             context.drawimage(markerimage, 0, 0, 59, mediumimageheight, locx, locy, 59, mediumimageheight);         }          // yellow         locx = (curcolor == coloryellow) ? 18 : 52;         locy  = 46;          context.beginpath();         context.moveto(locx   10, locy   24);         context.lineto(locx   10, locy   24);         context.lineto(locx   22, locy   16);         context.lineto(locx   22, locy   31);         context.closepath();         context.fillstyle = coloryellow;         context.fill();              if(curcolor == coloryellow){             context.drawimage(markerimage, locx, locy, mediumimagewidth, mediumimageheight);         }else{             context.drawimage(markerimage, 0, 0, 59, mediumimageheight, locx, locy, 59, mediumimageheight);         }          // yellow         locx = (curcolor == colorbrown) ? 18 : 52;         locy  = 46;          context.beginpath();         context.moveto(locx   10, locy   24);         context.lineto(locx   10, locy   24);         context.lineto(locx   22, locy   16);         context.lineto(locx   22, locy   31);         context.closepath();         context.fillstyle = colorbrown;         context.fill();              if(curcolor == colorbrown){             context.drawimage(markerimage, locx, locy, mediumimagewidth, mediumimageheight);         }else{             context.drawimage(markerimage, 0, 0, 59, mediumimageheight, locx, locy, 59, mediumimageheight);         }     }     else if(curtool == "eraser")     {         context.drawimage(eraserbackgroundimage, 0, 0, canvaswidth, canvasheight);         context.drawimage(eraserimage, 18, 19, mediumimagewidth, mediumimageheight);         }else{         alert("error: current tool is undefined");     }      if(cursize == "small"){         locx = 467;     }else if(cursize == "normal"){         locx = 450;     }else if(cursize == "large"){         locx = 428;     }else if(cursize == "huge"){         locx = 399;     }     locy = 189;     context.beginpath();     context.rect(locx, locy, 2, 12);     context.closepath();     context.fillstyle = '#333333';     context.fill();          // keep the drawing in the drawing area     context.save();     context.beginpath();     context.rect(drawingareax, drawingareay, drawingareawidth, drawingareaheight);     context.clip();      var radius;     var i = 0;     for(; i < clickx.length; i  )     {                 if(clicksize[i] == "small"){             radius = 2;         }else if(clicksize[i] == "normal"){             radius = 5;         }else if(clicksize[i] == "large"){             radius = 10;         }else if(clicksize[i] == "huge"){             radius = 20;         }else{             alert("error: radius is zero for click "   i);             radius = 0;             }          context.beginpath();         if(clickdrag[i] && i){             context.moveto(clickx[i-1], clicky[i-1]);         }else{             context.moveto(clickx[i], clicky[i]);         }         context.lineto(clickx[i], clicky[i]);         context.closepath();          if(clicktool[i] == "eraser"){             //context.globalcompositeoperation = "destination-out"; // to erase instead of draw over with white             context.strokestyle = 'white';         }else{             //context.globalcompositeoperation = "source-over";    // to erase instead of draw over with white             context.strokestyle = clickcolor[i];         }         context.linejoin = "round";         context.linewidth = radius;         context.stroke();      }     //context.globalcompositeoperation = "source-over";// to erase instead of draw over with white     context.restore();      // overlay a crayon texture (if the current tool is crayon)     if(curtool == "crayon"){         context.globalalpha = 0.4; // no ie support         context.drawimage(crayontextureimage, 0, 0, canvaswidth, canvasheight);     }     context.globalalpha = 1; // no ie support      // draw the outline image     context.drawimage(outlineimage, drawingareax, drawingareay, drawingareawidth, drawingareaheight); }

其实html5说白了还是需要很多javascript支持,不过canvas非常不错,可以让你在上面自由地绘制图形和动画。这款基于html5 canvas的网页画板就是一个很好的例子。源代码下载>>

本文作者:码农网 – 小峰


