在 mac os x 上安装红帽容器开发工具包-mile米乐体育
随着 red hat enterprise linux 7.1 和 red hat atomic 的登陆,企业和组织机构可以不用牺牲安全性和性能,也能拥抱这一新技术趋势。
什么 red hat cdk?
cdk 是 container development kit(容器开发包)的缩写,它能让开发者在他们的桌面系统上使用 red hat atomic,不管他们所使用的是 microsoft windows®,mac os x® 或者其他 linux 的发行版。同boot2docker类似,cdk利用虚拟机来启动一个小的主机,它能运行基于 red hat enterprise linux 的容器。
- red hat 订阅 – 要安装 red hat cdk 你就得拥有一个激活了的 red hat enterprise linux 订阅, 如果没有,可以在 这里 进行申请和查看。
- 虚拟环境 – virtualbox (mac/windows) 或者 virt-manager (linux)
- vagrant – 用来创建和管理虚拟环境。
从 red hat 消费者门户 下载下面这些东西。
- red hat 容器工具(container tools)
- 面向 virtualbox 的 red hat atomic vagrant 盒子 或者 面向libvirt 的 red hat atomic vagrant 盒子。
安装 red hat 容器开发包
注意:在这之前你需要安装好虚拟化环境以及 vagrant
解压你下载的 cdk.zip 文件到主目录. 这样会创建 ~/cdk (/users/username/cdk)
$ unzip -d $home ~/downloads/cdk-1.0-0.zip
安装使用 red hat vagrant 所需要的 vagrant 插件. 第一个插件会花几分钟时间,vagrant 可能会需要安装一些额外的gem文件。
$ cd ~/cdk/plugins $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-registration-0.0.8.gem $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-atomic-0.0.3.gem
$ vagrant plugin list vagrant-atomic (0.0.3) - version constraint: 0.0.3 vagrant-registration (0.0.8) - version constraint: 0.0.8
将 rhel atomic 盒子添加到 vagrant:
$ vagrant box add --name rhel-atomic-7 ~/downloads/rhel-atomic-virtualbox-7.1-0.x86_64.box
启动 atomic 主机
为 docker 文件创建一个工作目录
$ mkdir ~/containers && cd ~/containers
为容器创建一个工作目录,并初始化 vagrant
$ mkdir containers && cd containers $ vagrant init -m a `vagrantfile` has been placed in this directory. you are now ready to `vagrant up` your first virtual environment! please read the comments in the vagrantfile as well as documentation on `vagrantup.com` for more information on using vagrant.
这一步会创建一个简单的 vagrant 文件。打开它并像下面这样修改配置:
vagrant.configure(2) do |config| config.vm.box = "rhel-atomic-7" config.vm.hostname = "rhel-atomic-7-docker-host" config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpuexecutioncap", "50"] vb.memory = 4096 end config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-shell sudo systemctl stop docker > /dev/null 2>&1 sudo groupadd docker > /dev/null 2>&1 sudo usermod -a -g docker vagrant sudo systemctl enable docker && sudo systemctl start docker sudo chown root:docker /var/run/docker.sock sudo systemctl enable docker && sudo systemctl start docker shell end
我们现在已经做好了启动容器的准备。在机器的创建过程中,你将会看到是否想要注册系统的提示。回答 “y” 就会要你输入rhn (red hat network) 账户的用户名和密码.
$ vagrant up bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> default: importing base box 'rhel-atomic-7'... ==> default: matching mac address for nat networking... ==> default: setting the name of the vm: containers_default_1432213616739_95846 ==> default: clearing any previously set network interfaces... ==> default: preparing network interfaces based on configuration... default: adapter 1: nat ==> default: forwarding ports... default: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1) ==> default: running 'pre-boot' vm customizations... ==> default: booting vm... ==> default: waiting for machine to boot. this may take a few minutes... default: ssh address: default: ssh username: vagrant default: ssh auth method: private key default: warning: connection timeout. retrying... default: default: vagrant insecure key detected. vagrant will automatically replace default: this with a newly generated keypair for better security. default: default: inserting generated public key within guest... default: removing insecure key from the guest if its present... default: key inserted! disconnecting and reconnecting using new ssh key... ==> default: machine booted and ready! ==> default: checking for guest additions in vm... default: no guest additions were detected on the base box for this vm! guest default: additions are required for forwarded ports, shared folders, host only default: networking, and more. if ssh fails on this machine, please install default: the guest additions and repackage the box to continue. default: default: this is not an error message; everything may continue to work properly, default: in which case you may ignore this message. ==> default: setting hostname... ==> default: registering box with vagrant-registration... default: would you like to register the system now (default: yes)? [y|n] y default: subscriber username:default: subscriber password: ==> default: rsyncing folder: /users/tqvarnst/containers/ => /home/vagrant/sync ==> default: running provisioner: shell... default: running: inline script
$ vagrant ssh [vagrant@rhel-atomic-7-docker-host ~]$ docker ps container id image command created status ports names [vagrant@rhel-atomic-7-docker-host ~]$ docker run -it rhel7.1 bash unable to find image 'rhel7.1:latest' locally pulling repository registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7.1 10acc31def5d: download complete status: downloaded newer image for registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7.1:latest [root@ead3774c2b84 /]# cat /etc/redhat-release red hat enterprise linux server release 7.1 (maipo) [root@ead3774c2b84 /]#
按下 ctrl-p ctrl-q 可以离开你的容器
[vagrant@rhel-atomic-7-docker-host ~]$ docker ps container id image command created status ports names ead3774c2b84 registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7.1:7.1-4 "bash" about a minute ago up about a minute focused_rosalind
[vagrant@rhel-atomic-7-docker-host ~]$ docker stop $(docker ps -q) ead3774c2b84 [vagrant@rhel-atomic-7-docker-host ~]$ docker rm $(docker ps -aq) ead3774c2b84
通过这个指南,你就可以有一个可以来使用基于 red hat enterprise linux 7.1 的容器的工作环境,不管你使用的是 mac os x®,microsoft windows® 还是其它的linux发行版。
特别要感谢 pete muir 在vagrant设置上给我带来的支持和帮助。