java 8 接口里的默认方法特性-mile米乐体育

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这篇文章我们将要探讨java 8中接口里的默认方法特性。java8指出“默认方法使得新功能被添加到库中的接口里面,同时又能保证与这些接口老版本代码的二进制兼容性。”

这些年java进化升级了很多,在java库中引入的接口需要添加新的功能。在没有默认方法特性时,当你往接口中添加新方法时,接口内部所有实现的类都要历经一些修改。这将导致上千行的代码修改工作量。为了避免这点,java 8引入了默认对象方法。亦即,如果你想要往现存的接口中添加任何功能,你只需添加默认方法特性而不会影响接口实现形式。


package org.smarttechie; /** * the interface is intended to open and read. the implementors should implement the methods to open and read. * @author siva prasad rao janapati * */ public interface bookinterface { /** * the method opens the book */ public void openthebook(); /** * the method reads the book */ public void readthebook(); }


package org.smarttechie; /** * the javabookimpl is the implementation of bookinterface * @author siva prasad rao janapati * */ public class javabookimpl implements bookinterface { /** * this opens the book */ @override public void openthebook() { system.out.println("the java book is opened"); }  /** * this reads the book */ @override public void readthebook() { system.out.println("reading the java book");  } }


package org.smarttechie; /** * the interface is intended to open and read. the implementors should implement the methods to open and read. * @author siva prasad rao janapati * */ public interface bookinterface { /** * the method opens the book */ public void openthebook(); /** * the method reads the book */ public void readthebook(); /** * the default method implementation */ public default void closethebook() { system.out.println("closting the book");  } }
package org.smarttechie; /**  * the javabookimpl is the implementation of bookinterface  * @author siva prasad rao janapati  *  */ public class javabookimpl implements bookinterface {  /**  * this opens the book  */  @override  public void openthebook() {  system.out.println("the java book is opened");  }  /**  * this reads the book  */  @override  public void readthebook() {  system.out.println("reading the java book");  }  public static void main (string[] args) {  bookinterface bookinter = new javabookimpl();  //call the default method declared in bookinterface  bookinter.closethebook();  javabookimpl book = new javabookimpl();  book.closethebook();  } }



package org.smarttechie; /**  * the javabookimpl is the implementation of bookinterface  * @author siva prasad rao janapati  *  */ public class javabookimpl implements bookinterface {  /**  * this opens the book  */  @override  public void openthebook() {  system.out.println("the java book is opened");  }  /**  * this reads the book  */  @override  public void readthebook() {  system.out.println("reading the java book");  }  /*  * this closes the book  */  public void closethebook() {  system.out.println("closing the java book");  }  public static void main (string[] args) {  bookinterface book = new javabookimpl();  book.closethebook();  } }



package org.smarttechie; public interface techbookinterface { /** * the default method implementation */ public default void closethebook() { system.out.println("closing the book");  } }
package org.smarttechie; /** * the javabookimpl is the implementation of bookinterface * @author siva prasad rao janapati * */ public class javabookimpl implements bookinterface, techbookinterface { /** * this opens the book */ @override public void openthebook() { system.out.println("the java book is opened"); } /** * this reads the book */ @override public void readthebook() { system.out.println("reading the java book"); } public static void main (string[] args) { bookinterface book = new javabookimpl(); book.closethebook();  } }


package org.smarttechie; /** * the javabookimpl is the implementation of bookinterface * @author siva prasad rao janapati * */ public class javabookimpl implements bookinterface, techbookinterface { /** * this opens the book */ @override public void openthebook() { system.out.println("the java book is opened"); } /** * this reads the book */ @override public void readthebook() { system.out.println("reading the java book"); } public void closethebook() { system.out.println("closing the java book"); } public static void main (string[] args) { bookinterface book = new javabookimpl(); book.closethebook();  } }



英文原文:java 8 – default methods in interfaces
翻译作者:码农网 – civic5216


